The Workshop on Signatures of Man-Made Isotope Production (WOSMIP) is an international meeting where the scientific community can discuss various aspects of radionuclide emissions from activities such as nuclear reactors, isotope production and use, and other sources that could interfere with the monitoring of nuclear explosions. WOSMIP unites experts from radioisotope and nuclear explosion monitoring communities around the world for a scientific meeting in a unique forum that benefits two communities that would otherwise not come together.
Learning more about radioactive emissions from these man-made sources will provide a better understanding of their contribution to the global radionuclide background. This is important because these peaceful uses of nuclear technology have a similar isotopic signature to nuclear explosions and are frequently observed by international monitoring systems. For this collaboration to continue to be successful, it is critical we maintain support for WOSMIP. This relies on increasing participation from both communities, and new participation is strongly encouraged.
A Note Regarding WOSMIP X
Dear Friends,
We regret to inform you that WOSMIP will not be held in Oxford in July 2025 as initially planned. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to AWE for their generous offer to host the event and for their continued patience. Despite AWE's unwavering support, other factors have necessitated the cancellation of the workshop.
Understanding background sources remains crucial to addressing the main uncertainties in radionuclide detection for monitoring nuclear explosions, and the WOSMIP series has greatly contributed to this understanding and the mitigation of background effects on nuclear explosion detection.
We hope that the collaborations you have all built together over the last 15+ years, which have defined our journey, continue to flourish.
When we are able to schedule another workshop, we will contact you!
With warmest regards,
The WOSMIP Organizing Committee
Theodore (Ted) W. Bowyer, PhD
Laboratory Fellow
National Security Directorate
Nuclear Explosion Monitoring and Policy Program Manager
The video below describes the issues associated with backgrounds and their affect on the International Monitoring System.

We've Been a Few Places
The WOSMIP community is global and represented from countries all over the world.
See a list of our partners.