The Workshop on Signatures of Man-Made Isotope Production (WOSMIP) is an international meeting designed to bring together experts from the radioisotope and nuclear explosion monitoring communities for a highly impactful scientific meeting. The workshop provides a unique platform for technical discussions and collaborative efforts focused on the impact of radioisotopes released from civil and industrial sources on nuclear explosion monitoring. Learning more about radioactive emissions from these man-made sources will help in understanding their contribution to the global radioxenon background. This is crucial as the isotopic signatures of these peaceful nuclear activities often resemble those of nuclear explosions and are routinely detected by national and international nuclear explosion monitoring networks. The continued success of WOSMIP depends on sustained support and increased involvement from both communities, and new participants are strongly encouraged to join.


Location TBD

July 14 -18, 2025

The video below describes the issues associated with backgrounds and their affect on the International Monitoring System.

We've Been a Few Places

The WOSMIP community is global and represented from countries all over the world.

See a list of our partners.

Last Updated: January 2025